Our Virtual Reception Customer Carer’s spend their days putting the hats on as different businesses and attempting to put their best foot forward for the array of businesses they are answering calls for. Since we are preforming the roles of the in-house scheduler or receptionist but off site this means we are also out of sight from the business. This can result in literally a lack of thought by the business and it’s employees, practitioners and contractors making the vital role to support, build their client base and providing help often difficult and sometimes strained.
It’s time to share some of your Virtual Customer Carer people’s 4 pet peeves;
- Your calendar today indicates availability and you are in the house, ready to see a client. The virtual reception wins you a new patient or return client but you have stepped out for a coffee or errand and did not make a note, advise or block out the time not truely available for a client. The same day booked client calls back because no one is onsite and they want to know what is happening. The hunt is on to find you…
- The Business people call their clients, leave messages to call back but do not advise anywhere on the client file, log, note, dashboard or job what they were calling about. This starts the tag team of return calls, sms or emails.
- Not being on time. Everyone knows when they are starting to run late and then each appointment gets progressively later and later. Business people and practitioners need to get better at putting their hand up and stating, “I am running behind” to prevent dissatisfied customers who followed your business rules, attended on time and become dissatisfied. Please prevent the customer blow up, negative review and the ripple effect of uncomfortable engagements, extended family stress and lost time.
- Starting a new advertising, SEO, discount offer campaign without advising your virtual reception customer care team. It is a bit embarrassing when the customer ends up advising the customer care team. This results in a customer care team chasing their tales, looking unprofessional, checking your website and determining if this is a legitimate new offer or is this caller trying to get a discount from your business. This always makes it hard for a virtual customer care team to roster enough bodies here to answer the expected influx of calls and make the most of your advertising spend.
Your Virtual Reception Customer Carers love what they do and believe in the team sport of your business. Great customer care receptionists are focused on the business objectives of securing new clients from inquiry and welcoming existing clients to spend more time around your business because your business is worth it and actually helps people. Your Virtual Customer Carers are real people who use their real names and therefore endorse your work and support when we answer on behalf of your business.
Through better communication from the business whom employs virtual reception, ensures the best of care and trust for their callers.
When the whole team works together it is a win win for all involved.